Raising and extension of existing architectures
Raising and extension of existing architectures
24 January 2018 | 15.00 - 17.00
Raising and extension of existing architectures

Design new spaces connected to the Existing. Solutions, systems and techniques for the expansion of existing buildings. Live from Klimahouse 2018

Round Table on the design of new spaces connected to the existing. Solutions, systems and techniques for the expansion of existing buildings. Contributions and tax deductions, prefabricated wooden structures for elevations, high energy efficiency systems: Biomass / condensation boilers
The information collected for registration to the seminar will be sent to the organizer and the co-organizer of the webinar, who will use them for communications regarding the event and the other services offered.

Speaker: Damiano Ferrari | Luca Senettin | (in definizione)
Technical partner: Ferrari Green Energy | Rasom Wood Technology | Herz Energia
Theme: Elevations and Enlargement
Moderator: Arch. R. Fabio Sciacca

Hour 14.00 | Classroom Opening - Check-In Registration of participants

Hour 15.00­ | Start Seminar
Moderator: R. Fabio Sciacca
Module 1. Course presentation and program development by the Scientific Director - Arch. R. Fabio Sciacca

Hour 15.10 | Contributions and tax deductions – FERRARI GREEN ENERGY
Speaker: Damiano Ferrari
Module 2. Role of E.S.Co., request for contributions, tax deductions and tax breaks for energy savings for different actors. Companies, individuals, professionals, installers, associations, consortia and public administrations that have implemented energy efficiency measures

Hour 15.35 | Wooden Structures and Elevations – RASOM WOOD TECHNOLOGY
Speaker: Luca Senettin
Module 3: Designing wooden structures for elevations and extensions of existing buildings. Analysis, features, solutions and construction phases with focus and case studies of excellence

Hour 16.00 | Biomass / condensation boilers – HERZ ENERGIA
Speaker: (in definizione)
Module 3: Analysis of Biomass Boilers / Condensation solutions. Innovative energy efficient systems that can be used with different types of fuels: wood and pellets. Characteristics, performances and case studies

Hour 16.25 | Debate
Module 5. Formulation of questions sent via chat. Debate and Conclusions

Hour 17.00 | Conclusion
Closing of the classroom and CHECK / OUT of the participants

Seminar archive

Plant with Herz Energia biomass boiler
18 Dec 2019 | 17.00 - 19.00

Energy Efficient Systems. (From biomass / condensing boilers to heat pumps)

Partner: Herz
#gratuito #webinar
Plant with Herz Energia biomass boiler
31 Oct 2019 | 17.00 - 19.00

High energy efficiency plants. (From biomass/condensing boilers to heat pumps)

Partner: Herz
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High energy efficiency systems and systems
25 Jan 2018 | 15.00 - 17.00

High energy efficiency systems and systems. Systems aimed at energy management

Partner: Ferrari Green Energy, De Faveri, Herz
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SOLD OUT Energy Efficient Systems and Systems
19 Sep 2017 | 17:00 - 19:00

Energy Efficient Systems and Systems

Partner: Herz
#gratuito #webinar
SOLD OUT Renewable energy and low consumption plants
31 May 2017 | 17:00 - 19:00

Renewable energy and low consumption plants in building recovery interventions

Partner: Herz
#gratuito #webinar
22 May 2017 | 17:00 - 19:00

Renewable energy and low consumption plants in building recovery interventions

Partner: Ferrari Green Energy
#gratuito #webinar