Privacy and New GDPR. Regulations, updates, examples and case studies - elearningonweb

Privacy e Nuovo GDPR. Normativa, aggiornamenti, esempi e casi studio. L'importanza di regolamentare la Privacy e la Gestione dei Dati. Seminario rivolto ad Aziende, Professionisti ed Utenti
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Guerrino Pescali | privacy consultant and IT consultant specializing in IT security, IT service and IT solution, he has for years been responsible for the area data division, both as data protector manager and trainer, in the area of protecting personal data of customers and companies of the Vantea group. Provincial Delegate of the Federprivacy Association for the city of Brescia and province, he divides his time between the offices of Rome and Milan to guarantee all customers the highest compliance with the New EU Regulation 679/2016. Speaker at numerous industry conferences, organized by the company and its partners, it actively participates in meetings and round tables on all the issues surrounding the concept of system security and security in data processing.
Dott. Matteo Gozzini | Expert / Jurisconsult expert in video surveillance and privacy systems. For years he has been combining skills in the technical installation part and the legal support for the numerous local authorities he has followed as a technical sales consultant. Indispensable for the customer is to have a 360 ° consultation so as not to miss any aspect that could create a flaw in the entire system. The figure of the DPO is today indispensable for each local authority that must "outsource everything" to a reality that has within it IT and legal skills.
Theme: Tools for the profession and design
Moderator: Arch. R. Fabio Sciacca