Acoustics and Design in Catering Buildings - elearningonweb

How to design the interiors of restaurants, cafeterias and catering buildings in general, guaranteeing acoustic and visual comfort. Case studies, reference and solutions proposed by the Celenit company for a correct interior design
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Speaker: Arch. Alessia Mora
Technical partner: Celenit
Theme: Acoustics and Finishes
Moderator: Arch. R. Fabio Sciacca

Alessia Mora
Treviso, ItaliaUpcoming seminars

- Various
- Thermal insulation
Aislamiento térmico y acústico de edificios con lana de madera. Entre sostenibilidad ecológica, confort habitacional y ahorro energético

- Various
- Thermal insulation
El proyecto del envoltorio sostenible y el rendimiento de los materiales: entre CAM, protocolos y certificaciones ambientales
Seminar archive

- Various
- Thermal insulation
El proyecto del envoltorio sostenible y el rendimiento de los materiales: entre CAM, protocolos y certificaciones ambientales.

- Various
- Thermal insulation
Aislamiento térmico y acústico de edificios con lana de madera. Entre sostenibilidad ecológica, confort habitacional y ahorro energético.

- 2CFP
- for Architects
- Acoustic Insulation
Acoustics + Design. The design of sound-absorbing coatings: legislation, solutions and best practices
- 2CFP
- for Architects
- Acoustic Insulation
Insulation of the building cladding. High performance between redevelopment and new construction

- 2CFP
- for Architects
- Acoustic Insulation
Acoustics + Design. The design of sound-absorbing coatings: legislation, solutions and best practices

- 2CFP
- for Architects
- Acoustic Insulation